Automatic Sprayer Controller Unit

How to store vegetables and fruits to keep them fresh?

Your answer to that question is probably the refrigerator. However some vegetables lose their flavor when kept in cold. Green leaves are known to lose their freshness quickly after harvesting.

So how are we going to store fruits and vegetables without loosing the real freshness?

The best way to do that is to keep them stored in a closed environment for a short time period as much as possible, before consuming. 

This may not be the most effective or suitable method for various types of food items.But for many food items it is the best way for storage.

That is why in some grocery stores and supermarkets, water is sprayed onto the stored fruits and vegetables frequently to keep them "hydrated", So that they "look" and "feel" fresh.

This simple project explains how to build an Arduino based automatic water sprayer controller to be installed in supermarkets or grocery stores.

This controller unit consist with two potentiometers to adjust the time of spray operation and the delay time between two sprays.

When in operation, the relay operates after the time delay and sets normally open(NO) terminals to be closed(close circuit).

The relay operation time is adjusted by the potentiometer 02.

The time between two relay switches is adjusted by potentiometer 01.

Note : In this project, we simply installed a 2 pin connector and connected it with relay common terminal and normally open terminal.So that any type of solenoid valve can be installed (5V - 230V).

Tools & Components

1 X Arduino Uno

1 X 5VDC Relay

2 X 10K Ohm Potentiometer

1 X Dot Board (800 Pins)

1 X Wire Connecter Bar (2 Terminals)

1 X 5VDC Power Supply

Jumper Wires

Soldering Iron

Connecting Components

Arduino Pin A1 - Potentiometer 01

Arduino Pin A0 - Potentiometer 02

Arduino Pin D03 - Relay Sig. Pin

The relay terminals "COM" & "NO" must be connected between solenoid valve (+) and power supply (+)

Solenoid Valve Configuration

Solenoid valve acts as a barrier to block the water flow at normal condition.

When solenoid is activated,it opens up the path to flow the water freely..

Solenoid must be used between water inlet and distribution pipeline.

Use a suitable pipe layout to spray the water as required.

We do not want to flood the area with water by enabling high water flow into the food items.Hence use a suitable nozzle arrangement to control the water flow as required.(Spraying water mist instead of water drops is recommended)

Arduino Code

//Author : Chathura H.

int Relay = 3;
int pot1 = A1;
int pot2 = A0;
void setup() {


void loop() {
      int potReading1 = analogRead(pot1);
      int potReading2 = analogRead(pot2);
      int timeinterval = map(potReading1, 0, 1024, 30000, 1800000);
      int operatingtime = map(potReading2, 0, 1024, 0, 10000);



                                                   Safety First !

Always Connect the power supply if you are absolutely sure that the components are connected correctly without changing polarity and short circuited the wiring.

Even if it seems nothing is wrong : DOUBLE CHECK EVERYTHING !!

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